our work

In the course of its history, Avventura Urbana has applied inclusive processes and participatory instruments in ever-changing contexts.


Conflict Mediation

We are among the first ones who experimented in Italy the instruments of alternative dispute resolution developed in North America. Our in-depth expertise in conflict management is in the service of communities where public choices generate contrasts. We have extensive experience in the field of infrastructural projects and the siting of plants, where we plan processes aimed at the creation of positive sum-game benefits.

Some of our projects

Débat Public on “Gronda di Genova”| Public engagement on Bologna junction| Management of the siting process of contested plants, such as an incinerator and a landfill in the Province of Turin| Mechanical-biological waste treatment in Reggio Emilia | Débat Public on the re-opening of the Navigli canals in Milan.

Urban Regeneration and Transformation

We help local administrators in searching new ways for building joint decisions in their neighborhoods. We use innovative methods for planning urban settlements that take into account the needs of their inhabitants, and we intervene in integrated processes of neighborhoods’ regeneration.

Some of our projects

Suburbs Project of the City of Turin | Neighborhood Plan of Milan |European Project “SUSHI” (Sustainable Historic City Districts) of Savona.

Strategic and Urban Planning

We assist local administrators in elaborating strategic and development plans on the local, regional and national level. We are specialized in realizing urban plans through specific instruments and techniques. During our long experience in this reality, we used our instruments to implement urban planning programs on cross-cutting themes, such as tourism, mobility, agriculture, innovation and much else.

Some of our projects

Strategic Plans of Florence, Milan, Turin, Siena, Ancona, Messina, Lamezia Terme |Structural Plan of the City of Florence | Regional Transport Plan of Veneto |Participatory Budgeting of Milan | Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans of Florence and Turin | “Futouroma” Electronic Town Meeting.

Deliberative Engagement

We contributed to experimenting and diffusing the use of participatory methods for debating issues of social relevance at the national level. We propose instruments capable of building an informed debate among citizens, increasing participants’ awareness and promoting a democratic culture.

Some of our projects

Drafting the Law of the Region of Tuscany on Public Participation |Debate on Living Will |Debate on Fiscal Federalism.

Glocal participation

The potential of our instruments is not limited to the local level. We contributed to important deliberative processes launched by the European Commission and the United Nations. We work side by side with international organizations to develop listening skills and the ability to manage relations effectively.

Some of our projects

International deliberative events on behalf of the European Commission, including | “Ideal EU” | “Europolis” | “Enlarge” | “EuEngage project”.

Training and Research

We have conducted trainings on participatory planning methods, conflict mediation, and inclusive processes for many years. We transmit our know-how to professionals, organizations, and public bodies, providing a useful toolkit that can be applied in a diversified range of contexts. We also contribute to international research on inclusive processes, collaborating with universities and world-famous experts.

Some of our projects

Teaching on participative techniques for the World Bank | Master in “Affaires Publiques: Ingénierie de la Concertation” at the Sorbonne University of Paris.

Corporate Strategy and Communication

We offer our instruments to private companies willing to face challenges in an innovative way. We have successfully experimented the application of participatory methods in the areas of management and communication. We organize conventions and corporate events aimed at maximizing the creation of fruitful working relationships.

Some of our projects

Management of the annual meeting of “NovaCoop” Piemonte | Corporate convention “Teva Italia”.

Social Inclusion Processes

The projects we conduct in the social domain aim at increasing interactions between institutions, stakeholders and citizens who are willing to build an inclusive and sustainable model of development on their territory. Through the management of complex participatory processes, we facilitate the establishment of networks among actors that last over time.

Some of our projects

Deliberative event for the elaboration of “The Manifesto of the Right to Beauty” of Reggio Emilia | Co-design of the Social Inclusion Plan of the City of Turin.

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