“débat public”

To prevent territorial conflicts caused by the construction of major infrastructures there is the “débat public”, which is now part of the Italian legislation as well.


“débat public”

To prevent territorial conflicts caused by the construction of major infrastructures there is the “débat public”, which is now part of the Italian legislation as well. We have organized and managed some of the most important Italian “débat public” so far realized and we have collaborated for the writing of the implementational Decree, which makes it mandatory by law.

The “débat public” is an informative process and a public discussion on the rationales and characteristics of a work of national interest, which allows the proposer to highlight the critical observations and the proposals on the project made by the local communities.

It was born in the 1990s in France, where it becomes an institutional method for consultation, legally mandatory for public works of a certain importance. During the 2000s, the first experimentations for applying this method took place in Italy.

Avventura Urbana took care, in collaboration with Luigi Bobbio, of the “débat public” on the “Gronda di Genova”, the first Italian case concerning a major infrastructure project and, more recently, the public discussion on the Passante di Bologna and the “débat public” on the re-opening of the Navigli canals in Milan.

In 2016 the Italian Government decides to introduce the “débat public” in the Italian legislation, making it mandatory for construction of major public works (art.22 of the Decree n.50/2016). In April 2018 the implementational Decree of “Dibattito pubblico” (Dpcm n.76/2018), developed, with Andrea Pillon’s consultancy, at the Struttura Tecnica di Missione del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti.

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