If I say museum, I mean Volterra”

Towards participatory governance for the museums of Palazzo Solaini

“If I say museum, I mean Volterra” (Se dico museo, dico Volterra) is the participatory process launched by the Municipality of Volterra and supported by Avventura Urbana, aimed at creating a new form of governance for the participatory management of the museums of Palazzo Minucci Solaini.

The initial need is to redefine the museum as an open urban cultural space, serving local citizens with inclusivity and vitality.

The process, implemented with support from Tuscany’s Regional Authority for the Guarantee and Promotion of Participation, involved the main players from the cultural and artistic life of the area, through a series of actions aimed at:

  • canvassing opinions on the museum complex and surveying interest in proactive and community participation in programming;
  • initiating the creation of a consultative committee, with its own statute, to assist the current responsible bodies in the planning and educational activities of museums.