Milan Neighbourhoods Plan

A city like Milan, marked by constant economic growth, also experiences its contradictions and inequalities in some less competitive areas. To address this issue, the municipality designed the new Neighbourhood Plan – Cambia Milano, or Milan is Changing, dedicated to the interventions necessary to make the city more interconnected, sustainable, open, plural and participatory.

To achieve this goal, in 2018 and 2019 Avventura Urbana provided support for the plan. By “support” we mean the conception, planning and assistance for management of the listening and communication process envisaged by the plan..

The process involved dozens of meetings in each of the city’s nine administrative zones, which featured presentations and discussions of the urban redevelopment and regeneration interventions planned by the municipality, worth a total of €1.6 billion.

Avventura Urbana Srl

Via Ottavio Revel 18, 10121 Turin
T +39 011 780 28 08

Corso Italia 69, 56125 Pisa
T +39 050 721 67 65

