“Let’s mobilise!”: urban regeneration is on the move

A participatory process for the development of Via Montalbano in Quarrata

In 2022 and 2023, Avventura Urbana was responsible for implementing the “Let’s mobilise!” (Mobilitiamoci!) participatory process, promoted by the Municipality of Quarrata with support from Tuscany’s Regional Authority for the Guarantee and Promotion of Participation.

“Let’s mobilise!” is a participatory process aimed at fostering innovation through an educational initiative that informs the local community about measures to combat the abandonment of spaces on Via Montalbano, a street in the Municipality of Quarrata.

The aim is to initiate a broad urban regeneration process from an economic, social and cultural perspective. The listening and co-planning process involved stakeholders who could actively contribute to the development of the area, both by jointly creating policy proposals and by devising initiatives to address the state of decay into which the entire area had fallen.

For all updates on the urban regeneration process in Quarrata, please visit the official web page.