Parole in Piazza: a new face for Piazza Valdelsa

When the word on the streets sets the creative expression free

Avventura Urbana was responsible for coordinating the participatory process of the urban art project “Parole in piazza” (Words in Place) financed by American Bloomberg Philanthropies organization for the city of Florence, with the aim of giving a new face and beauty to Valdelsa Square, in the district of Novoli. During the first phases of involvement and listening to the neighborhood community, which allowed the subsequent creation of the artistic design by SaleGrosso studio and the artist Luchadora, Avventura Urbana conducted various participatory activities aimed at intercepting the needs of the local citizens and co-design the new “face” of the square.

The project is carried out in collaboration with the Municipality of Florence, Quartiere 5 of Florence, Cultura REPublic, Cooperativa il Girasole and Contemporary Art Gallery Frittelli, with the support of Fondazione CR Firenze as part of the Cultural Participation call.