City of Turin Social Inclusion Plan
From 2019 to 2022, Avventura Urbana brought its expertise to bear to help define the governance of the City of Turin Social Inclusion Plan, with the aim of providing a unified response to the needs of citizens and families facing economic, occupational and housing difficulties.
From 2019 to 2022, Avventura Urbana made its tools available for the definition of governance related to the Social Inclusion Plan of the City of Turin with the aim of giving a unified response to the needs of citizens and families with economic, employment and housing difficulties.
For the implementation of the Plan, a three-year collaboration path (2019-2021) was started between the City, private entities and Third Sector Bodies, within which Avventura Urbana offered its methodological support, contributed to the planning and leading of participatory groups and was responsible for the creation and development of the project’s website.