Urban Plan for Sustainable Mobility in Florence and Turin
Avventura Urbana was commissioned by the Metropolitan City of Florence in 2019, and by the Metropolitan City of Turin in 2021, to design the participatory processes to support the implementation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP).
The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is a strategic tool, based on existing planning, which considers the present and future needs of people and goods according to the principles of integration, participation and assessment, with the aim of improving quality of life in cities and the surrounding areas.
SUMP policies relate to all types of transport in the area, both public and private, whether motorised or non-motorised, and when parked and in circulation.
Each participatory process involved local authorities, citizens and stakeholders, through a structured calendar of local consultation meetings and strategic guidance.
Also read the Strategic Environmental Assessment produced with the Metropolitan City of Turin after the approval of the SUMP.