Being Florence: mid-term budget

Supporting the institutions in communicating mandate activities

Between December 2021 and April 2022 Avventura Urbana accompanied the Municipality of Florence in communicating the actions it had undertaken in the first half of its electoral mandate (2019-2024).

The objective was to report and convey all the actions, projects and interventions carried out between 2019 and 2021, through the institutional communication of the mid-term budget.

In particular, Avventura Urbana oversaw the direction and methodological coordination of the communication process. In an initial phase it collected, analyzed and selected the projects and interventions that were carried out by the Municipality. What followed was the definition of a clear and coherent communication strategy that included a naming and graphic identity of the project, expressed in the design and creation of graphic, video, infographics and web tools capable of making accessible to the general public otherwise complex messages and information.

From this perspective, the project “Being Florence: mid-term assessment of an evolving city” has been conveyed through an official website , a booklet dedicated to local stakeholders (distributed during the final presentation event which was held at Manifattura Tabacchi in Florence on April 7th, 2022) and a paper tabloid dedicated to all the citizens of the Municipality of Florence, distributed door to door.