Public Debate Genoa Breakwater

Public Debate Genoa Breakwater

CONFLICT MEDIATION AND PUBLIC DEBATES Port of Genoa: the first public debate in Italy is coordinated by Avventura Urbana In 2021, Avventura Urbana’s member Andrea Pillon coordinated the public debate on the new breakwater of the Port of Genoa, the first public work...
Public debate on completion of the Garganica highway

Public debate on completion of the Garganica highway

CONFLICT MEDIATION AND PUBLIC DEBATES The first public debate in the South:SS 89 Garganica In the first months of 2022 Avventura Urbana coordinated the public debate aimed at discussing the different design alternatives for the completion of the SS 89...
Research for Uniontrasporti

Research for Uniontrasporti

TRAINING AND RESEARCH Uniontrasporti Research: which tools to employ on infrastructure projects? In 2022, Uniontrasporti commissioned Avventura Urbana to conduct research to identify the best tools to support decision-making processes in infrastructure projects. The...
Course in Participative Governance

Course in Participative Governance

TRAINING AND RESEARCH Course in Participative Governance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo In 2013, Avventura Urbana taught on the Participative Governance (Gouvernance participative) course in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Iolanda Romano, a partner at...
Master’s course Consultation engineering

Master’s course Consultation engineering

TRAINING AND RESEARCH Master’s course in Consultation engineering at the Sorbonne Since 2010, Avventura Urbana has been sharing its expertise on the Master’s course in “Consultation engineering” (Ingénierie de la concertation) at the Sorbonne University in Paris,...