Tuscany Town Meeting on Public Health

Tuscany Town Meeting on Public Health

SOCIAL INCLUSION AND HEALTH Health services and expenditure: a town meeting for the citizens of Tuscany In 2007, the Region of Tuscany chose Avventura Urbana to design and coordinate an important participatory event. The goal was to research public opinion on two...
The Right to Beauty Manifesto

The Right to Beauty Manifesto

SOCIAL INCLUSION AND HEALTH The Right to Beauty Manifesto of Reggio Emilia Sustainable development and social inclusion mean “beauty” for all citizens In 2018, Avventura Urbana supported the Municipality of Reggio Emilia in designing and managing a participatory event...
Gozzini and Sollicciano prisons project

Gozzini and Sollicciano prisons project

SOCIAL INCLUSION AND HEALTH I CARE: Inclusion, Prison, Architecture, Regeneration, Ecology Freedom of urban and social regeneration In 2023, Avventura Urbana designed and coordinated I CARE, a process of dialogue and discussion with the community inside and outside...
“Safe Italy” deliberative event

“Safe Italy” deliberative event

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Designing a “Safe Italy”: round table for solutions In 2017, Avventura Urbana organised a deliberative event for the Office of the Prime Minister, on the #ItaliaSicura (Safe Italy) project, the mission against hydrogeological instability and...
Enlarge Project – Horizon 2020

Enlarge Project – Horizon 2020

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Project Enlarge – Horizon 2020: promoting energy sustainability through participatory initiatives In 2017, the Social Research Institute of Milan commissioned Avventura Urbana to help plan and implement a deliberative event as part of the...