Turin Strategic Environmental Assessment

Turin Strategic Environmental Assessment

AUDITING, ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING From the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan to the Strategic Environmental Assessment Following the adoption of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), in 2020 the Metropolitan City of Turin commissioned Avventura Urbana to conduct...
Luigi Bobbio Chair

Luigi Bobbio Chair

TRAINING AND RESEARCH Luigi Bobbio Chair: Governance and alternative dispute resolution Avventura Urbana collaborates with the University of Turin, where since 2019 Andrea Pillon, partner in Avventura Urbana, has been teaching the course “Luigi Bobbio: Governance and...
FactorYmpresa programme

FactorYmpresa programme

TOURISM AND CULTURE The assembly on innovation in the food and wine tourism sector Two participatory events for Invitalia’s FactorYmpresa Avventura Urbana created two participatory events for INVITALIA, in Turin and Florence, for the FactorYmpresa Tourism 2018...
Democracy Biennale – living wills and fiscal federalism

Democracy Biennale – living wills and fiscal federalism

DISCUSSION OF MAJOR SOCIAL ISSUES Democracy Biennale: debates on living wills and fiscal federalism Between 2009 and 2011, the Municipality of Turin and the committee promoting “Italia Centocinquanta”, a celebration of the 150-year anniversary of the founding of...
ALCOTRA projects

ALCOTRA projects

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Four ALCOTRA projects for the environment Between 2019 and 2022, Avventura Urbana helped to implement four projects in the European ALCOTRA programme for cross-border cooperation in the Alpine area between France and Italy. In the first...