“Safe Italy” deliberative event

“Safe Italy” deliberative event

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Designing a “Safe Italy”: round table for solutions In 2017, Avventura Urbana organised a deliberative event for the Office of the Prime Minister, on the #ItaliaSicura (Safe Italy) project, the mission against hydrogeological instability and...
Enlarge Project – Horizon 2020

Enlarge Project – Horizon 2020

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Project Enlarge – Horizon 2020: promoting energy sustainability through participatory initiatives In 2017, the Social Research Institute of Milan commissioned Avventura Urbana to help plan and implement a deliberative event as part of the...
ALCOTRA projects

ALCOTRA projects

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Four ALCOTRA projects for the environment Between 2019 and 2022, Avventura Urbana helped to implement four projects in the European ALCOTRA programme for cross-border cooperation in the Alpine area between France and Italy. In the first...
Comets Project

Comets Project

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Comets Project: the energy transition in Europe Comets, or “Collective Action Models for the Energy Transition and Social Innovation”, is a European Union project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme which aims to listen to, understand and find...
Adriaclim climate project

Adriaclim climate project

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Adriaclim: participation on climate change A partnership for new climate monitoring models in the Adriatic The European ADRIACLIM project involved 18 Croatian and Italian partners, including the Municipality of Venice, to address the issue of...