Enlarge Project – Horizon 2020

Enlarge Project – Horizon 2020

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Project Enlarge – Horizon 2020: promoting energy sustainability through participatory initiatives In 2017, the Social Research Institute of Milan commissioned Avventura Urbana to help plan and implement a deliberative event as part of the...
ALCOTRA projects

ALCOTRA projects

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Four ALCOTRA projects for the environment Between 2019 and 2022, Avventura Urbana helped to implement four projects in the European ALCOTRA programme for cross-border cooperation in the Alpine area between France and Italy. In the first...
Comets Project

Comets Project

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Comets Project: the energy transition in Europe Comets, or “Collective Action Models for the Energy Transition and Social Innovation”, is a European Union project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme which aims to listen to, understand and find...
CAPFLO – European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid

CAPFLO – European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CAPFLO project: local resilience capacity building for flood mitigation European civil protection and humanitarian aid operations in the Trebbia basin In 2017, Avventura Urbana was involved in the CAPFLO Project – Local resilience capacity...
Ci vediamo a Porta San Marco

Ci vediamo a Porta San Marco

URBAN REGENERATION “See you at Porta San Marco”: the transition to urban regeneration The participatory process in Livorno for the redevelopment of the area “See you at Porta San Marco” (Ci vediamo a Porta San Marco) is a participatory process funded by...