projects Each of our initiatives is designed according to the the context it belongs to, in order to build shared decisions, foster trust among parties and reach inclusive agreements Portfolio All Gender balance in ArezzoAuditing, Assessment and Reporting United in Diversity electronic town meetingDiscussion of Major social issues Public Debate Genoa BreakwaterConflict Mediation and Public Debates Participatory Process Ostiglia PlantConflict Mediation and Public Debates Public Debate Trento Rail BypassConflict Mediation and Public Debates Public debate on completion of the Garganica highwayConflict Mediation and Public Debates Being FlorenceInstitutional and Strategic Communications Turin Strategic Environmental AssessmentAuditing, Assessment and Reporting Avventura Urbana | Participatory Gender AuditAuditing, Assessment and Reporting NovaCoop Piedmont meetingInstitutional and Strategic Communications Teva Italia ConventionInstitutional and Strategic Communications A2A Spa listening forumInstitutional and Strategic Communications Tuscan law on participationAdvocacy for Participation Public debate in ItalyAdvocacy for Participation PIARC Italy conferenceAdvocacy for Participation Participation Forum MilanAdvocacy for Participation Research for UniontrasportiTraining and Research Course in Participative GovernanceTraining and Research Master’s course Consultation engineeringTraining and Research Luigi Bobbio ChairTraining and Research If I say museum, I mean VolterraTourism and Culture Candidacies of the cities of Matera and IvreaTourism and Culture States General on Sustainable TourismTourism and Culture Futouroma ProjectTourism and Culture FactorYmpresa programmeTourism and Culture Ideal-EU projectDiscussion of Major social issues EuroPolis projectDiscussion of Major social issues Scenarios for the future of Europe: bridging the gapDiscussion of Major social issues Democracy Biennale – living wills and fiscal federalismDiscussion of Major social issues Tuscany Town Meeting on Public HealthSocial Inclusion and Health The Right to Beauty ManifestoSocial Inclusion and Health Gozzini and Sollicciano prisons projectSocial Inclusion and Health “Safe Italy” deliberative eventSustainable Development Enlarge Project – Horizon 2020Sustainable Development ALCOTRA projectsSustainable Development Comets ProjectSustainable Development Adriaclim climate projectSustainable Development CAPFLO – European Civil Protection and Humanitarian AidSustainable Development Street for KidsUrban Regeneration New Valdelsa SquareUrban Regeneration Participatory process “Theatre. Full stop”Urban Regeneration Milan neighbourhoods planUrban Regeneration Sustainable Historic City DistrictsUrban Regeneration Ci vediamo a Porta San MarcoUrban Regeneration Mobilitiamoci! participatory processUrban Regeneration Florence and Prato Structural PlansStrategic and Territorial Planning Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan in Florence and TurinStrategic and Territorial Planning Participatory model on construction site safetyCommunication Processes and Engagement Strategies on construction sites Construction site for the new Lavazza business centreCommunication Processes and Engagement Strategies on construction sites Western extension of Turin Metro Line 1Communication Processes and Engagement Strategies on construction sites Avventura Urbana with Comin&PartnersConflict Mediation and Public Debates Public debate on the new Milan stadiumConflict Mediation and Public Debates Florence Airport Public DebateConflict Mediation and Public Debates Débat Public on the re-opening of the Navigli canals of Milan Public engagement on Bologna junction Débat public on the “Gronda di Genova” Mechanical-biological waste treatment in Reggio Emilia Consensual process “Non rifiutarti di scegliere” (Do Not Refuse to Choose) launched by the Province of Turin European Project SUSHI (Sustainable Historic City Districts) of Savona Neighborhood Plan of Milan Turin suburbs special projectUrban Regeneration Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans of Florence and Turin Veneto Regional Transport PlanStrategic and Territorial Planning Structural Plan of the City of Florence Futouroma Electronic Town Meeting 2019 Strategic Plan of the City of Ancona Participatory budgets of Turin and MilanStrategic and Territorial Planning Débat on Fiscal Federalism Débat on Living Will Drafting of the Law on Public Participation in Tuscany EuEngage Enlarge – Energies for Local Administrations to Renovate Governance in Europe Europolis: a European deliberative polity-making project Ideal-EU (E-participation among European citizens) Cattedra Luigi Bobbio: governance and alternative dispute resolution Master in “Affaires Publiques: ingénierie de la concertation” at the Sorbonne University of Paris World Bank’s course “Gouvernance participative” in the Democratic Republic of Congo Corporate convention Teva Italia Management of the annual meeting of NovaCoop Piemonte City of Turin Social Inclusion PlanSocial Inclusion and Health “Manifesto of the Right to Beauty” of Reggio Emilia